The first tea seeds and young plants were brought to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) from the
botanical gardens in Kolkata (India) in 1839.
The father of the tea industry in Ceylon - James Taylor, first planted tea commercially in
1867, two years before the coffee blight. The first shipment of 23 pounds of tea
took place in 1872, and today the country exports around 300 million kilograms of tea to
all corners of the world, and also has the distinction of conducting the largest tea
auctions in the world, which has been in operation since 1883.
Today, Sri Lanka is known as the largest exporter of tea to the world, and hence, Ceylon
tea from Sri Lanka is often acclaimed as the best tea in the world. Also, reputed
for the excellent quality of conventional and organic tea, low and high grown, from some
of the finest tea gardens in the world, and blended to perfection. Influence of
climatic conditions of its plantation allows for a variety of flavours and aromas,
synonymous with quality of the final product.
All around the world, connoisseurs of tea clamoured for Ceylon tea which soon became a
household reference for the finest quality tea. It acquaints that the Sri Lankan
population starts and ends the day with a cup of tea because it has qualities to refresh
the hearts and minds and acts as a catalyst.
The tea cultivating industry in Sri Lanka has always been a vital component of the overall
Sri Lankan economy. The Sri Lankan tea industry employs approximately one million
people, thus also contributing significantly to the country's gross
domestic product as well as government revenue. The total extent of Sri Lankan land
under tea cultivation has been assessed at approximately 187,400 hectares. Tea
production is a year round phenomenon and cultivation is usually concentrated in the
central highlands and the southern inland areas of the island. Ceylon tea consists
of a combination of distinctive, fine rich yet mellow flavour, bright and golden color that
appeals to tea drinkers throughout the world.
Tea and Health
The overwhelming surge of scientific research is substantiating the ancient proclamations that tea as the most potent health beverage ever! Recent studies in leading medical journals declare tea as a potential heart tonic, cancer blocker, fat buster, immune stimulant, arthritis soother, virus fighter and cholesterol detoxifier. The chemicals in tea have been shown to protect the body against stomach, breast, colon, and skin cancers, to lower blood pressure, to lower serum cholesterol, and triglycerides, and normalize blood sugar.
Most of the research studies show significant health benefits in people who consumed 4 cups of tea or more daily although some studies found health benefits in those who consumed as little as 3 cups a day. To promote better health, drink at least 4 eight-ounce cups of tea a day.
Note: That instant, bottled, decaffeinated or highly processed teas do not have the antioxidant properties of green, black, and oolong teas. We personally select black teas from literally hundreds of samples for their unique contribution to health. We are committed to giving you the best value on some of the finest teas available. We are always looking for suggestions, questions, and comments. So let us know what you think, and welcome to our fascinating and limitless world of tea!